Boyington Books

Poetry by Sally Boyington

At the age of seven I had my first poem published: a celebration of Halloween that appeared in a regional newspaper. My career as a poet languished for decades after that, though I never stopped writing poems. I tucked them away in drawers and placed snippets of poetry in my novels, composed verses for special occasions and gifted them to friends and family. Eventually I decided to share my creations with a wider audience by submitting poems to online and print-only journals and contests. Writing poetry helps me look at the world in a different way, reviving powerful memories, working through my emotions in difficult times, and making me more appreciative of magical moments.

recently published poems


"Two Moons in a Purple Sky" (illustrated) -- Roses and Wildflowers, vol. 1, no. 1

"Moonrise at Sunset and Other Poems" -- Academy of the Heart and Mind, January 13, 2024



"My Father's Bones" -- Twin Bird Review, winter 2023

"Century Plant" -- Sandcutters 2023, p. 51

"Waking Flowers" -- Academy of the Heart and Mind, August 17, 2023

"Squirrel Heads and Gravy" -- Qwerty, no. 47 (Home/Town issue), p. 18

"Dogpile in the Morning" -- Spank the Carp, issue 76


award-winning contest entries


"Bats" -- 3rd place -- The Poetry Society of Tennessee, January 2024 members-only contest (traditional form)


"Century Plant" -- 1st place -- Arizona State Poetry Society, September 2023 members-only contest

"Tortured by Dr. Seuss" -- 2nd place -- Tennessee Mountain Writers, humor contest

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